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Quick Skincare Hacks - 5 Quick Skincare Hacks for Every Modern Man

Skincare problems are always ready to pop up any time. Whether it’s due to sun exposure or the pollutants in the air, you need to protect your face from the harsh elements outside. The same is true even for men. Here are some quick and easy tips on skincare for men to improve their complexion and protect their skin. Avoid Breakouts Breakout creams and acne treatments are the go-to remedies for acne breakouts. They can be effective at times, but there are also situations when even those remedies don’t work like they’re supposed to. However, there’s a natural way to prevent breakouts, which is the use of tea tree oil. Considered as nature’s own acne treatment, this essential oil distilled...

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4 Excellent Reasons You Should Start Using Shaving Cream

As the name implies, shaving cream is meant to be used during shaving. It lubricates the skin you are going to work on, making the experience a lot smoother and, in some cases, pain-free. Without cream, the friction between the razor and skin can get uncomfortable. For people with sensitive skin, this can lead to rashes and other skin issues. That being said, here are all the reasons you should start using shaving cream if you do not already: 1. Hydrates the hair One of the biggest issues when shaving dry hair is that rather than cutting the hair, the razor pulls them out instead. This is tantamount to waxing your face, which is not an experience you want. When...

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2021 Skincare and Grooming Trends for the Modern Man

Despite the pandemic forcing the world’s economies into a grinding halt, one of the things that did not slow down is our continued appreciation of everything that has to do with health and wellness. That appreciation includes our love for men’s skincare. With 2021 almost at the halfway point, it’s still not too late to get into the latest skincare trends for men this year. 1. Beard Care and Shaving The one that takes the cake this year is growing and maintaining a beard. With a majority of people stuck inside their own homes, it allowed the beard growers and enthusiasts to let their manes grow out and proud. It’s the perfect time to experiment with whatever beard styles you...

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2 Quarantine Male Grooming Trends Any Man Should Know About

After being stuck at home because of COVID-19 and lockdown measures, being cooped up has left many of us with more time to look ourselves in the mirror. Unfortunately, it may not be such a great sight for everyone. While some people have been able to use this time spent in lockdown to better themselves with self-care experiences, many of us have let ourselves go quite a bit as bouts of anxiety and burnout plague our routine. Whether it’s the few pounds that we gained, the bags under our eyes, or the wrinkles on our foreheads, not being able to go outside has done quite a bit of damage. For men, 2020 wasn’t the easiest because being stuck at home...

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The Definitive Skin Care Routine For Shaving

Men aren’t socially conditioned to care about their skin, but it should be a must if they want to maintain healthy and good-looking skin. When talking about skincare, it’s not just about using a cleanser, moisturizer, and other products. Shaving is also about tending to your skin, and men should relate shaving to skincare. If you’re only just realizing how important skincare is and how shaving daily can actually contribute to better skin, then you’re in luck. The following tips focus on how shaving can be an effective skincare routine for men. Pre-Shave Skincare Routine Before even starting to shave, you need to prep your skin for what’s about to happen. The following skincare routine for men will help you...

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